Wednesday, 28 July 2010


I am one of 10 Artists exhibiting in Bon Voyage! in the local Artlink Gallery. I have used old maps to make tents origami style as they invoke memories of camping holidays as a child, both with my family and with the Girl Guides. With my brother and my parents I camped in Europe  in the 1960s. When I had a family of my own we natuarally went camping too.  I also made Origami Yachts as I dreamed of being a nurse in the navy "when I grew up". My dad used to have a boat and had been in the Navy and my brother made a dinghy and sailed it on the Hornsea Mere. I didn't join up but I did train as a nurse...on land. I get sea sick on the ferries! But... I still dream of sailing around the Greek Islands, stoppping off and camping and setting sail again.....I am running a workshop with children at the gallery making Origami boats.These are pictures of my trial pieces.


  1. smashing boats, they look such fun

  2. I've loved looking at your blog Jean and really admire your resourcefulness! Getting bargains and using things in a "wrong" way!
    Well done and love the wall.
