Tuesday 26 November 2013

not got a Gelli pad/plate

I wonder what people wished they HAD bought when they get home from a show....
I wish I'd bought a Gelli pad thingy at the Knitting and Stitching at Harrogate at the weekend.......
So while the plasterer was here making a ceiling look new.....I emptied a few boxes of "stuff"with a view to throw away half of the contents...( I can hear you laughing Lyn...) I found a tube of black paint, a plastic ring binder file holder, a reel of 2" sticky tape......and a wooden coffee stirrer.... so I had a play.....I spread the paint with the stirrer onto the plastic file and pulled a few mono prints and then thought I'd leave the paint on the plastic to dry to use in layering up on the scanner......While I drank my coffee...I spotted the tape.....and waited  impatiently for the paint to dry........and then pulled these with the tape.....what fun !! The plastic was almost clean, the tape had lifted most of the dried paint off !

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