Friday 9 May 2014

torsos, dress forms for Sindys dress collection


used to make these out of toilet paper tubes when I was a young girl....only I used " stickylicky " gummed brown paper strips to hold them together and to cover them....I designed the dresses to accomodate the pattern on the scraps of fabric I'd acquired......I stuck a pencil in a cotton reel and pushed to pencil through the top of dress form....and displayed my dresses....faced outwards on the window ledge for the world to see ! Well...I didn't have a million dolls like they do today !

 A random one.....I have always loved sunrise and early morning light....early evening dusk as the night draws in .....sunsets.....and rainbows......the field was a shimmering golden colour and look at the tree...!! the colours of the rainbow became more intense someone turned up the colour switch .....and a double rainbow became visible....two massive arcs.....MAGIC.... no wonder early man built their stone monuments.....never seen a rainbow like it before.....

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